Sunday, November 2, 2008


today went to church and had some election for reverons. pastor khoon hoe all the way! wooooooo! haha. good luck to the other pastors too. after eveything went down played basketball.. i made a fool of myself haha! any how shoot.
left for marina bowl and played bowling

group 1- gabriel, mervyn and moses

group 2- marcus (national bowler/cousin), maverick and 1 more guy(i forget your name sorry!)

group 3- roy, jason, timotheous, marissa

the first round me and marcus we were owning everyone's ass! i was the first person to get a strike for game 1 and 2. own!! plus a national bowler, obviously we'll win the first round right? haha!

first round- my group got 316points. dam! i was second in overall. haha!

second round- me and marcus played a fool! haha! and we got first again

but overall, we got second lost to the third team by 3 points!!?!?!?! argh!

marcus and all really laugh at my dumb stunts in bowling. the next round we go bowling i'll ask them to take videos(: its dam dumb if u want to know more ask me on msn or call me haha! lame-.-

after bowling went to gabriel's house. Wii is freaking fun!! mario kart is a dam addicting game, after that played halo2 owned gabriel the first 2 rounds than he started owning me. lol! than NBA07 and my mum picked me up to go cousin house for timothy's birthday. so many babies screaming here and there argh! haha lucky got SERATHEPRO text me! thank you(:

i'll post sherlynn photo(:

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